When you need the best price for precious antique items, look into Antique Appraisers Auctioneers. We are expert antique buyers Stamford, offering a high price on any valuable and antique items. We also deal in statues in bronze, paintings, porcelain, jewelry, furniture and much more. If you are seeking antique appraisers Stamford who can buy unusual and interesting items that are made centuries ago, come to us for the best price.

Antique Appraisers Auctioneers – Trusted Dealers For Antique Items Of Any Type And Condition
Many estate owners inherit properties that have a large number of old items, some in good condition, but others that simply have to be thrown out. However, it is best to check such pieces before trying to sell them off to a scrap dealer. Approach Antique Appraisers Auctioneers, as we are experts in finding out the real worth of the item, be it something that is made from just wood or precious metals such as gold, silver or perhaps bronze.
Come To Antique Appraisers Auctioneers To Find Out Real Value Of Beautiful Antiques in Stamford
We are the best antique buyers Stamford because we carefully study the item and put a price on it that is based on factors such as age, condition and material used in the making. Hence you can be sure of getting cash value that is fair and reflective of the real worth of the item.
Where Can I Sell Antiques in Stamford
Many estate owners don’t know the real worth of their antique item. As the condition of the item is so old, they are unable to determine its price. As a result, they usually call up a local old items buyer to sell it, but the reality is that the item can be a priceless artifact or one that hundred times more worth than the amount gained from a scrap dealer. That’s why it is vital to contact Antique Appraisers Auctioneers. We are experienced local Antique Appraisers Stamford so if you are searching where Can I Sell Antiques Stamford you can be sure that our store is the place where you will get a satisfactory amount on sale of precious antiques.
We buy antiques from all over the Stamford, CT area. We purchase Sterling Silver, European Antique, Buddha Bronze, Estate Jewelry, Art & Textile, Chinese Antiques, Jades, Ming Porcelain etc.